There are many different types of elliptical trainers and elliptical trainer designs on the market. As these exercise machines become more popular, manufacturers will attempt to design new and supposedly better machines to capitalize on the increasing demand. Because of the various models on the market, it can be a little overwhelming to search for just the right elliptical trainer. Here is a run down on the various types of trainers on the market.
There are three drive systems available for elliptical trainers: front drive, rear drive, and center drive. Within these main categories are further sub-categories, including adjustable stride and adjustable motion trainers. If you've used an elliptical trainer in a gym, then you have probably used the rear drive elliptical. Rear drive elliptical trainers were the first type of elliptical trainers in gyms and clubs. They still dominate the gyms, mainly because they provide a very smooth workout. They are also the most expensive type on the market, and can cost as much as three thousand dollars.
There are a growing number of front drive elliptical trainers on the market because front drive trainers are more generic. In fact, it is easier for treadmill manufacturers to enter the elliptical market with front drive As a result, front drive trainers are much cheaper than their rear drive counterparts.
The individual's weight is centered in the middle of the machine on center drive elliptical trainers. These are relatively new to the market, and so it remains to be seen if they are an overall improvement.
Types of Elliptical Trainers
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